It’s been an honour to write Harry Saward’s incredible story as royal station master at Wolferton for forty years, from 1884-1924, under the reign of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and George V.

On the eve of the publication of the last book in the trilogy, The Royal Station Master’s Daughters in Love, I remind myself that it couldn’t have happened without the support of Harry’s great grandson, Brian Heath, who generously shared Harry’s unique story with me and made it possible. He’d seen a letter I had published in a Gallipoli newsletter asking for families of the Sandringham Company to contact me if they had stories to share from WWI, and, although Harry had no Gallipoli connection, he had a strong royal connection, and that set the ball rolling.

Brian received his copy of the latest book today. I asked him how he felt, now all three books were out. He said: “Thanks so much Ellee for bringing great grandfather Harry Saward, his family and Wolferton back to life with your wonderful imagination and fabulous trilogy based on real events.”

I’m delighted that Brian feels I have done Harry’s story justice.